We recognise that students need to be comfortable and confident with digital technology in order to thrive in the 21st century, and use digital technology to enhance student learning and to complement teacher practice.
Students and staff use existing ICT-based learning and teaching resources in some learning areas. The school uses ICT resources to support and monitor the individual learning of students, not only in ICT as a learning area, but also within other learning areas.
The development of positive attitudes to use ICT is fostered across the school community. The school uses electronic student records system data to monitor student progress. ICT systems are used within the school to support school administration and business. The basic, immediate ICT infrastructure, resource and maintenance needs are met across the school.
Students use laptops and iPads for a variety of purposes that complement the learning process. All computers are networked and have high-speed Internet connections.
The Department of Education provides schools with filtered access to the internet through the eduSTAR system, closely monitored by a technician allocated to the school.
These are some of the programs we use:
We place great emphasis on Cybersafety and all students are required to sign an annual Use of Technology Agreement that sets out our expectations of digital learning. We also subscribe to the Digital Safety and Wellbeing platform from Inform and Empower. Delivering lessons and information to both students and families.
© Ripponlea Primary School