Student voice, agency and leadership
We understand that giving our students autonomy and responsibility enhances their learning environment and develops independent, creative, and responsible learners.
Student voice is not simply about giving our students the opportunity to communicate ideas and opinions; it is about having the power to influence change.
We provide students with authentic opportunities to collaborate and make decisions with our teachers, School Council, and principal not; only in their learning but in all areas of school life where they can represent and advocate on behalf of other students across the school.
Student leaders have an increased sense of responsibility to help others and to model leadership principles and values. Trust, autonomy and relationships are enhanced through the development of leadership qualities
What is leadership?
Leadership is the process of motivating, inspiring and empowering others to achieve a common goal. It involves having a clear idea about what you are trying to achieve and being able to communicate it to a team so that they can work together to achieve it. Being able to “lead” is demonstrated through various behaviours such as engaging others, having innovative thoughts, motivating others, encouraging others and organising activities to completion. As such “leading” is not about who is most popular, or the best at public speaking and it is not only demonstrated on special occasions
At Ripponlea Primary School we encourage all students to take an active role in their school community. In particular, our Year 5/6 students are encouraged to develop their leadership skills, confidence, and engagement through a range of leadership opportunities.
Student Leaders:
Student leadership code of conduct
As part of the leadership team, students will comply with a code of conduct which outlines behaviours expected of all leaders.
Student leaders will role model the school values by:
Two Year 6 students hold the position of School Captain and Two Year 6 students hold the position of Vice Captain.
School Captains and Vice Captains are role models for our whole school. They are known and respected by all members of the school community. They play an important role in organising and presenting at important school events. They actively promote the school values at all times by providing leadership to the student body, especially demonstrating a caring and supportive manner. School Captains and Vice Captains liaise with students in other leadership roles organising meetings to improve the school. They work closely with the RPS Leadership Team and Members of the School Council.
Year 6 students also hold the position of House Captain in each House. House Captains are role models for their houses and play an important role in building house spirit and pride. They work collaboratively with other student leaders and our Physical Education teacher. House Captains organise, mentor and motivate students to participate in House activities and district events. They speak on behalf of students in the House at school functions and other special events. These include House sporting carnivals, assemblies, lunchtime House activities, House music, and any other student-suggested events.
The Year 5 Student Council leads and develops communication between school community groups as a way of representing the students' voices.
Student Council is made up of three committees of students, each with distinct responsibilities:
Student Wellbeing team supports the organisation of mental health and well-being initiatives across the school and advocates for the Positive Behaviour Support framework (PBS) as student representatives.
Sustainability team is a student action team that manages sustainability initiatives, including aspects of the Resource Smart School’s program and related projects like the Nude Food, composting, Indigenous Garden, Italian Garden, Food Cubes and Productive Garden. They are mentors to the younger students and lead their peers to engage, connect and interact with sustainability through practical experiences that will benefit all students and the wider community (and our precious planet!).
Students from Years F-4 will be elected to join this committee for additional support. They attend The School Sustainability Festival which is an annual event organised by the Port Phillip EcoCentre to provide local schools and their communities an opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge their environmental and student leadership achievements within the City of Port Phillip, Bayside City Council, City of Stonnington and City of Glen Eira.
Student Representative Council conducts classroom circles, forums and surveys to seek opinions from all students across the school. They inform decisions and communicate through a range of digital tools and collaborate with other committees. The team also supports the implementation of activities, events and fundraising initiatives that benefit the students, school and the wider community. SRC leaders work collaboratively with student representatives from each year level.
© Ripponlea Primary School