In accordance with the requirements of the Victorian Department of Education and Training (DET), we complete these plans and reports:
- Annual Report conducted annually to report on the school’s performance from the previous year.
- School Review: conducted every fourth year to assess school data against goals identified in the School Strategic Plan.
- School Strategic Plan: goals and targets determined for a three year period, resulting from the outcomes of the Triennial Review.
- 2024 Annual Implementation Plan: yearly plans to achieve goals and targets of the School Strategic Plan.
- Parent Opinion Survey: a random sample of parents are asked to complete a DET survey about school performance.
- Student Opinion Survey: all Year 5 and 6 students are asked to complete a DET survey to seek their opinion of the school.
- Staff Opinion Survey: all DET-employed staff are asked to complete a DET survey about school performance.
- Student Attendance: student attendance is entered online twice a day.
- Report to the Community: detail of school performance is reported through the Annual Report to the Community and MySchool website.
The goals and targets detailed in our 2021- 2025 Strategic Plan to build on our successful past practices, focus on promoting global awareness, self-responsibility and high achievement; and reflect our school values.
Our goals for 2021-2025 are:
- GOAL 1: To increase student learning and literacy and numeracy.
- GOAL 2: To improve student wellbeing.
- GOAL 3: To improve student voice and agency.
The Annual Report is produced annually in March for the previous calendar year. It's a snapshot of the school's performance over the past 12 months and is tabled at our annual AGM.
Here is our 2022 Annual Report
Here is our 2021 Annual Report Presentation
Here is our 2020 Annual Report